
St Simon and St Jude, Bramdean

Founded in the twelfth century on a high point of land, the church of St Simon and St Jude is a listed building that has been altered over the centuries, particularly by the Victorians in the nineteenth century. A welcoming small church that can comfortably seat a congregation of one hundred, it has a wealth of stained-glass windows, a pair of bells, an electronic organ, Wi-Fi and access to excellent parking with toilet facilities. The east wall of the church very recently underwent extensive restoration; the building was also updated with new lighting and an eco-friendly central heating system. Two embroideries completed by residents in the last thirty years – the ‘Tree of Life’ (1989) and ‘Bramdean Village’ (1992 – 1998) – are displayed on the south walls. Every child baptised in the church has their name embroidered on a fabric leaf that is sewn on to the ‘Tree of Life’ which was modelled on the copper beech tree in the churchyard. The ‘Bramdean Village’ embroidery depicts homes and local scenes in and around Bramdean.

Services and Worship

Three services are held every month: the first Sunday of the month is the Benefice Sunday Station service at 10:15 which is family focussed fun and worship, more details below, the second Sunday of the month is Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. and the fourth Sunday is Morning Worship at 11 a.m. To complement the regular pattern of worship, additional services for Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas are held which are always well attended.  The Parochial Church Council actively fund raises throughout the year with events that include the fete, a safari supper, a Bridge party and guest speakers. 

If you would to make a donation to Bramdean Church please use the following link:

Morning Worship – Bramdean

9th Sunday after Trinity Readings:2 Samuel 11.1-15Psalm 14Ephesians 3.14-endJohn 6.1-21

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Morning Prayer – Bramdean

(Revd. Christopher Durrant) Book of Common Prayer service

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Wedding Flowers 2024
Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 2024
Sunday Station Craft 2024
Sunday Station flag banner!
Christmas Wreath 2023
Spring 2023
Harvest Festival 2022

October 2022

A recent visitor-cum-pilgrim to our parish church made this beautiful video tour of our building. Thank you Lynn Bradnick.

December 2021

Christmas Tree decorating party and children’s Advent craft,

with mulled wine from the new servery!

Autumn 2021

Spring Bulb planting in the churchyard as a living and optimistic memorial to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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