All are welcome; and we really mean it!
St. Andrew’s is listed Grade II and was built in 1772 on the foundations of what the Doomsday survey noted as annexed to Cheriton. Kilmeston has a range of families and retired village members who attend church. It has seating capacity for 100.
We are fortunate to have within the village a number of people who want to help finance the maintenance of the church building in the village, even though some of them are not church goers. It is for this group that the Friends of St Andrews was founded. The Friends hold two quizzes a year and a Christmas Bazaar. Funds raised go towards projects which help maintain the church building and keep it as a valued village resource.
Services and Worship
There are two monthly services – a Family Service at 11 a.m. on the second Sunday of the month, and a Holy Communion Service, at 11 a.m., held on the fourth. We have extra services at Christmas, when we hold a Christingle and Carol Service, and at Easter too. Services at festivals, including Harvest Festival, are well attended and enjoyed by the village.
St Andrew’s Church, Kilmeston is part of The National Churches Trust which includes “Explore Churches”, to find out more use the following links: and
Benefice Service: Sunday Station – Bramdean
Revd. Christopher and the Children's Ministry Team Presentation of Christ in the Temple Readings:Malachi 3.1-5Psalm 24Hebrews […]
Holy Communion – Cheriton
An accessible service with short sermons and singing Presentation of Christ in the Temple Readings:Malachi 3.1-5Psalm […]
Family Worship – Kilmeston
4th Sunday before Lent Readings:Isaiah 6.1-endPsalm 1381 Corinthians 15.1-11Luke 5.1-11
Holy Communion – Kilmeston
2nd Sunday before Lent Readings:Genesis 2.4b-9,15-endPsalm 65Revelation 4Luke 8.22-25
Fresh Expression – Cheriton
An evangelical style service for the Benefice, with worship, songs and testimony 2nd Sunday before Lent […]

Revd. Mark Collinson (right – Guest Preacher: Director of Ministry in Winchester Diocese)