Upper Itchen Benefice Latest News

20th March 2025


Services this week – Sunday 23rd March

09:30 Cheriton – Holy Communion

11:00 Kilmeston – Holy Communion

11:00 Bramdean – Morning Worship

Tuesday 25th March – Annunciation of our Blessed Virgin Mary

18:00hrs, Holy Communion, Cheriton

Services next week – Sunday 30th March – Mothering Sunday

In a change from what is shown in the March issue of Church and Village

 there will now be two services, both at 11am:-

11am – Cheriton – Mothering Sunday service with Holy Communion

11am – Bramdean – Mothering Sunday service.

Holy Week and Easter Services

Maundy Thursday 17th April – Evening services at Cheriton

18:00 Holy Communion (said), followed by Stripping of the Altar

19:00 Keeping Watch at the Altar of Repose

21:00 Compline

Good Friday 18th April

09:30 Passion Drama – Cheriton

15:00 The Passion of our Lord according to Luke – Tichborne

Saturday 19th April Easter Eve

20:00 Easter Vigil  – Bramdean

Easter Day Sunday 20th April

06:00 Dawn Vigil – Beauworth

08:00 Holy Communion (BCP) – Tichborne

09:30 Holy Communion (BCP) – Bramdean

09:30 Communion by Extension – Cheriton

11:00 Holy Communion (CW) – Kilmeston

11:00 Communion by Extension – Hinton Ampner


Banns to be read at KILMESTON at 11:00am

I publish the banns of marriage between Rosie Claire APPLETON (single), and Stuart DENHAM-HARDING (single) both of the parish of this parish. This is for the third time of asking. If any of you know any reason in law why they may not marry each other you are to declare it.



THOUGHTFUL TUESDAYS continue on 1st April.
‘Thoughtful Tuesdays’ meeting in the comfortable side room of the Flower Pots pub (by kind permission) from 18:00 on 1st & 15th April. All are welcome to come along and talk about matters of faith and belief you want to talk about, all over a friendly pint of beer or cup of mint tea.

Cheriton PCC is looking for volunteers to fulfil the role of churchwarden/s. Please contact the Rector if you are interested. You do not have to live in Cheriton.  Thank you.

LENT Away Day 2025, with Addresses by The Master on Icon reading
If you would like Home Communion, please contact The Rector 🙂
Benefice Rogation Walk 2024
Benefice Easter ‘Away Day’ 2023 at the Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester. With Canon Gary Philbrick.
Summer 2024: +Rest in Peace Gary. Amen.

War in Ukraine

As the heart-breaking news of war in Ukraine becomes more horrific every day, we rightly ask ourselves “what can I do to help”? In a seemingly hardened world, thank you for your sensitivity towards the hurt and harm of others; for laying oneself open to love another person is the first victory.

Read Scripture

Jesus said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14.27

For in [Jesus] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross. Colossians 1.19-20

Jesus said “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.” John 14.16-17

Pray to God

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

O ALMIGHTY God, King of all kings, and Governor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it belongeth justly to punish sinners, and to be merciful to them that truly repent: Save and deliver us, we humbly beseech thee, from the hands of our enemies; abate their pride, asswage their malice, and confound their devices; that we, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore from all perils, to glorify thee, who art the only giver of all victory; through the merits of thy only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Act in Power

  1. Examine your own intentions. Repent of any prejudice or selfishness that distorts your relationships with others, especially those in peril or debt. And receive God’s liberating forgiveness.
  2. Intercede for the voiceless by lobbying our government. Consider writing to your MP (https://www.flickdrummond.com/).
  3. Use your resources ethically. Ensure your own personal investments and business partnerships do not support warmongering nations.
  4. Reach out to Eastern European citizens who may be friends, colleagues, or staff. Listen to what they want to say. Celebrate their cultures, and make them welcome.
  5. Donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal for Ukraine (https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-humanitarian-appeal)

Upper Itchen Benefice Latest News

Collect for Third Sunday of LENT

Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, […]

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